Friday, June 10, 2011

The Words and The Musics

sdang bosan2 ni, sye dgarlah bberape lagu, sye mnghyati stiap ayt dan muzik yg dsampaikn.. ape yg sye dapati, lirik2 lagu ade mksud yg trsurat dan trsirat. klau diikutkan agk mnarik.

You make me sick,
Because I adore you so,
I love all the dirty tricks,
And twisted games you play
On me.

You'll make us wanna die,
I'd cut your name in my heart,
Will destroy this world for you,
I know you want me to
Feel your pain.

Space dementia in your eyes and
Peace will arise
And tear us apart,
And make us meaningless again.

(muse - space dementia)

apakah yg dimaksudkannye?
mungkin berkenaan dgn cinte? =.="

don't kid yourself
and don't fool yourself
this love's too good to last
and i'm too old to dream

don't grow up too fast
and don't embrace the past
this life's too good to last
and i'm too young to care

don't kid yourself
and don't fool yourself
this life could be the last
and we're too young to see 
(muse - blackout)

yg ni pulak? fham ttpi tdak dpt mngungkaikannya tntang ape

p/s: actually, sye da ngantok, x ckup tdo, pnat. 

The Gift

Sejak akhir2 ni, sjenis kuase tlah mnarik prhatian sye,, kuase ni bgitu kuat shingge mmpu mnarik sye jauh dari kertas folio dlam beg. Tapi xpe, stuasi trsebut akn dperbaiki 1 hri nti. Menghabiskan masa dgn brmain game kt pc nih lame-kelamaan boleh mnjdi bosan. tak tahu la kenapa, sprti yg sye kate sblum ni, sye mngharap ssuatu utk mngubah prjlanan hidup sye. sye sndri pon x tahu bgaimana bntuknye. seorang manusia yg molek mahupun tampan pon x tahu bgaimana, apatah lagi kucing yg slalu berak dpn rumah orang, berfikir pon ssah. So kucing trsebut hidup just go on. tidak seperti monyet, mereka berkeluarga, rakan2 yg setia dan mmpunyai persefahaman sesame monyet. Alangkah bahagianya hidop monyet tersebut. Tetapi adakah perjalanan hidup sye akn brubah pabila terserempak dgn monyet nti? dan memiliki hidup serupe sprti monyet? lebih baik jd monyet.

mungkin sye dpt rsekn ia brubah sdikit demi sdkit. lbihkan brsendrian utk mnyelesaikn masalah sndri. yup, sye x ske brkongsi msalah, klau hndak dliuahkan x reti pule. lbih baik brdiam diri, dan brfikir sejenak. yup! sye juge sorg yg ske brfkir, ttpi prkre yg dpn mte ssah hndak dfikirkn sebaik-baiknye. brhari-hari memikirkan tntgnye, akhirnye dpt jugak.

"try something new"



Sye msih lagi terfkir-fkir. sye suke kdua-duanye, ttapi tdak prnah dimiliki...

Friday, June 3, 2011

Life reached it's end

Second by seconds,
minute by minutes,
hour by hours,
day by days,
week by weeks,
month by months,
and year by years,

my life kinda bored, everyday I do the same thing, wake up in the morning or noon, shower, and repeat it for everyday as routine. I'm waiting for some matter or things that would change the day indeed, not the bad things. I've been waited for so long... still the same, no change. Maybe, that's the God want.

We as a young person, still a lot of journey that we need to be settle, education, travel, and absolutely time. yes, the time! time waiting for us to be explore.

Alone at the room corner, thinking what I've done from the past and look beyond. Yeah, it's now 3:45 AM. eyeball getting fuzzy, eyelids start to force close but I pretend to stay up little more time. Non-stop yawning make my lacrimal glands start to drip tears out of my eye... Huh, I lose. Gotta go now. Other time I post another ones.

p/s: post semakin merepek bukan? Gimme some idea...  

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Sedang Bercuti, Jangan Kacau or Usik2

Hey, jgn kcau2, kepala bpak ko bising2..!

Sekali pndang, tajuk entry kali ni mcm da lali jmpe. 2 kali pndang, haa! ya! Bercuti!Sebelum sye enjoy2 dgn cuti ni, lbih baik sye share skit kisah2 mnarik. Seriously, I have been so long ignored this blog, nah... time to visit back! this story just for your entertainment, but this things truly happen, really2 happen..

Friday, 27th of May 2011
Someone shaken my body, I woke up and the class was nobody in, just me and syahmi in the class.. I went outside and all of 96's batch were gathered at corridor.. what the hell? Then, err.. a gentlemen ustaz spoke to us,  "any of you.. took the exam paper yesterday? exactly during the school end time. be straightforward, don't try to make me mad... Honestly, who took the paper kiddo? " I'm perplexed, and I don't know anything about this, you're wasting my time and disturbed my sleeping too... rather I continue my nap... "This incident must be done in a partner of 2 or more right? then it must be, who took the paper stand up!" He continue spoke. I'm just sat at the floor and stared at his face, quite fun actually... "Seems none of you show your respect, those who not took the paper please stand up" All of us stood up, hahaha. see? So how? "Alright, the exam paper had been renew, so it's useless for those who knew the revealed question paper, nothing at all. I don't getting mad if you comes forward, be straight and honestly confess your guilt. We as a teacher always pray for you to be kind-hearted, we pleased those who took that" we're not moving, no one to admit it, just stay still. And it so that mean, if someone stand up, would be pleased? so how it's end, but the case still being investigate, ustaz will call one by one person to interrogate until he complete his puzzle, yeah he said it's like a puzzle, combining the clue by clues to show the face of the offenders on the puzzle.

p/s: peperiksaan masih diteruskan seperti biasa, cuma soalan kertas soalan yg 'hilang' itu dimansuhkan and      
ddiubah.. ustaz berusaha sedaya upaya menyiapkan prmainan puzzle nye tu, 'pencuri kertas' yg sebenar masih mendiamkan diri, pmikiran ustaz smakin kusot...